In mid-March, with the sap has hardly running, November seems a lifetime away. But in the political world, eight months goes by quickly, especially for those preparing for mid-term elections. Although the filing period isn’t until June, there’s already a solid list of Republicans hoping to face the three Democratic incumbents. In the 1st Congressional District, former Congressman Frank Guinta and former UNH business school Dean Dan Innis look to go against Carol Shea Porter. In Congressional District 2, state Rep. Marilinda Garcia and former state Senator Gary Lambert vie to face Ann McLane Kuster and in the U.S. Senate race, three Republicans are in, hoping to win the primary to face Senator Jeanne Shaheen…but in that contest looms a million dollar question…will the hype around Scott Brown’s candidacy become reality?
- Josh Rogers – NHPR’s senior political reporter
- Dante Scala - associate professor of political science at the University of New Hampshire. He's also a fellow at UNH's Carsey Institute.
- Ben Tafoya – assistant professor of political science at New England College. He also directs the NEC Poll.