Your weekly guide to what to do in New Hampshire, curated for you by Engagement Producer Zoey Knox. If you want to get these suggestions in your inbox every week, sign up for The Weekender newsletter!
Celebrate Valentine's Day with live music from Symphony NH, the Free Range Revue and the Portsmouth Music and Arts Center.
Concord's Black Ice Pond Hockey Championships & Winter Festival returns for its 14th year this weekend.
See snow sculptors at work at the NH Sanctioned & Jackson Invitational Snow Sculpting Competition this weekend.
The Portsmouth Brass Quintet will perform "Familiar Classics for Brass," including favorites from "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars," on Saturday afternoon.
Boston-based saxophonist, composer, and educator Seba Molnar is playing at The Music Hall on Friday night.
Dust off your snowshoes for weekly guided tours with the Mt. Washington Ski Touring & Snowshoe Foundation in Intervale.
Nova Arts in Keene is hosting a Last Minute Larry Holiday Arts Market on Sunday, Dec. 22.
Participate in some citizen science this weekend with Christmas Bird Counts in Peterborough and North Conway.
Explore the history of New England's seasonal holiday traditions at the Stawbery Banke Museum's Candlelight Stroll.
Empiezan las celebraciones de Navidad, desde el downtown de Concord hasta Lebanon.