La demócrata Maggie Goodlander, nativa de Nashua con trayectoria en D.C., y la republicana Lily Tang Williams, de tendencia libertaria, se enfrentaron por primera vez en la elección.
Democrat Maggie Goodlander, a Nashua native who has spent much of her career in Washington D.C., and Republican Lily Tang Williams, who describes herself as libertarian-leaning, met for the first time in this race.
Discuten la posible adquisición del hospital de Manchester. Candidata Goodlander recibe apoyo de máximo Demócrata del Congreso de EE.UU.
How best to introduce yourself to voters? It’s a question any candidate seeking public office faces. For the Democrats now running in NH's 2nd Congressional District, it's being answered in competing claims of rootedness in the state they're seeking to represent.
La senadora estatal Becky Whitley anuncia candidatura. Programa de residencia médica en Keene busca ampliar número de doctores en áreas rurales.
Personal del anterior centro de desarrollo juvenil de NH testificó en la corte sobre la cultura de violencia. La EPA pone límites a los 'químicos permanentes' en el agua potable. Vikram Mansharamani será candidato para el puesto del segundo distrito del congreso en NH.
Annie Kuster no buscará reelección. La Cámara de NH se reunirá hoy: discutirán derechos de armas, educación y vertederos. Se preveé que New England quede libre de carbón para 2028.
The two candidates were stuck in a tight race as votes were tallied through the evening Tuesday and into the early hours of Wednesday morning.
Consider this your one-stop shop for essential information about the Sept. 13 primary.
The court-approved map moves five small towns, resulting in a balanced population between the districts.