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The traffic violation involved a former state representative who said the police erred when they ticketed him for holding his phone while driving.
The virus is circulating in some wild birds here. But so far, it hasn’t spread to any commercial poultry flocks or dairy herds.
The measure, requiring local police to heed ICE detainer requests, cleared the House without debate — or much Democratic opposition.
In mostly party-line votes, Republicans rejected efforts to study how much climate change is costing the state and how to recoup those costs, among other proposals.
State lawmakers are considering a bill that would close the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Health Equity.
New Hampshire Gov. Kelly Ayotte said Canada is a valuable trade partner. Ayotte says businesses worry about possible tariffs.
Tras las medidas de inmigración de Trump en sus primeras semanas en el poder, Mayrena Guerrero de Massachusetts sugiere a las personas buscar espacios de paz y armar un plan.
Following President Trump's immigration crackdown, Mayrena Guerrero has sensed a lot of fear and alarm from her clients. She advises people to plan and carve out ways to have some sense of peace.
New plans in Hampton propose a six-story Hampton Beach Casino facility for music, gaming, a hotel and 99 condos.
Rep. Ken Weyler is the House's top budget writer. Money for the abuse settlements will play a big role in coming budget negotiations.
The Upper Valley-based health provider recently reversed a policy that required COVID-19 vaccinations before patients could receive kidney transplants.
Stories from the New England News Collaborative