The changes include efforts to make it easier for tenants to leave abusive situations, and crack down on sexually explicit “deepfakes.”
Un incidente en la ciudad de Franklin, donde un hombre mató a su pareja y disparó a su bebé, nos recuerda que la violencia doméstica es un problema en New Hampshire.
Según NH Legal Aid, cada año se atienden 9000 denuncias por violencia doméstica en el estado pero en muchas ocasiones, los abusos pasan sin ser reportados.
New Hampshire Legal Assistance has received a grant to fund representation for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
New Hampshire tuvo elecciones de pueblos este martes. La demanda por pruebas de COVID-19 se reduce. A residentes de New Hampshire les preocupa la subida de precios en gasolina ante la prohibición del petróleo ruso.
A panel created in the wake of a shooting last November released a slate of recommendations Tuesday for improving the domestic violence system in New Hampshire.
The task force will review everything from the wording on court forms to how victims can have more access to attorneys and advocates.
Among other things, the group will look at existing court "practice and procedure" in cases involving domestic violence allegations in New Hampshire.
Weeks after a denial of a domestic violence order of protection, a Hampton woman was shot by her former partner, prompting a review by the judicial branch.