Gabriela Lozada, Report for America Corps Member
ReporterGabriela Lozada is a Report for America corps member. Her focus is on Latinx community with original reporting done in Spanish for ¿Qué hay de Nuevo NH?.
She has over 10 years of reporting experience and is an award-winning documentary filmmaker who specializes in covering social issues. Her documentary, “El Ultimo Hielero Del Chimborazo” (The Last Iceman of Chimborazo) and La Marea, are the films she is most proud of.
She holds an MFA in filmmaking from the New York Film Academy.
On the 7th season of Visibles, we asked what is the creative process behind the minds of some entrepreneurs and artists from the Latino community.
En la séptima temporada de Visibles, preguntamos cuál es el proceso creativo detrás de los proyectos y negocios de personas de la comunidad Latina.
In the seventh season of Visibles, we take a look at the creative process for some entrepreneurs and artists from the Latino community.
En la séptima temporada de Visibles, preguntamos cuál es el proceso creativo detrás de los proyectos y negocios de personas de la comunidad Latina.
Un estudio del Pew Research Center encontró que aproximadamente uno de cada 10 restaurantes en EE.UU. sirve comida mexicana. Pero en New Hampshire la tasa es mucho menor.
Isabelle Lopez pasó mucho tiempo en el 2023 rastreando cuidadosamente las diferentes especies de plantas y animales en las 32 conservas de New Hampshire. Su carrera y la cantidad de tiempo que pasa al aire libre le han permitido no solo conectar con New Hampshire pero también con su herencia ecuatoriana.
Isabelle Lopez she spent a lot of her time in 2023 carefully keeping track of different plant and animal species across 32 preserves in the state. Her career path and time outdoors has also been a way to connect not just to New Hampshire but with her Ecuadorian heritage.
A Pew Research Center analysis found that about one in 10 restaurants in the U.S serve Mexican food. But in New Hampshire the rate is much lower.
Una organización dice que las mujeres inmigrantes pueden ayudar a solucionar la escasez de proveedores de cuidado infantil, pero se necesita más alcance.
An organization says immigrant women could help fill the state’s shortage of childcare providers, but more outreach is needed.