Associated Press
The announcement from the Vatican didn't mention Cardinal O'Malley's other main role as Francis' main adviser on fighting clergy sexual abuse as head of the pope's Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, suggesting he would remain in that capacity until a new commission leader is named.
The 189,000 mailers designed by Deliver Strategies were labeled "Robert Burns for Congress," but Burns had nothing to do with them, and they lacked the required "paid for" language, the attorney general's office said Thursday.
Eric Labarge, 46, of Nashua was accused of soliciting others or conspiring with them to throw rocks and bricks through the journalists' windows and spray paint threats and obscenities on their homes.
Democratic officials in some states, including Maine and New Hampshire, have said their entire convention delegation will be supporting Harris for president.
The lightning-caused malfunction caused a power outage on all tracks between Penn Station in New York and Union Station in New Haven, CT, beginning Saturday afternoon.
The DEA began an investigation last year at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester, finding that a nurse anesthetist diverted liquid fentanyl left over from medical procedures instead of safely discarding it.
President Biden's uneven performance, particularly early in the debate, crystallized the concerns of many Americans that, at 81, he is too old to serve as president
Man on trial for threatening to kill presidential candidates found dead as jury was deciding verdictA New Hampshire court filing said "the government has learned that the defendant is deceased."
President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will have their first debate of 2024 on Thursday night in Atlanta.
Tyler Anderson of Dover was indicted by a federal grand jury in December on three counts of sending a threat using interstate commerce. The jury trial is expected to take two to three days in Concord, NH