Jackie Harris
Morning Edition ProducerAs the producer for Morning Edition, I produce conversations that give context and perspective to local topics. I’m interested in stories that give Granite Staters insight into initiatives that others are leading in New Hampshire, as well as the issues facing the state.
Reach out to me at jharris@nhpr.org if you want to hear an interview on Morning Edition about an issue or topic in your community. I’m always interested in hearing from listeners about what is affecting your community and who you want to hear on our show.
You can email Jackie at jharris@nhpr.org.
State advisory panels on policing and diversity initiatives are no more after former Gov. Chris Sununu rescinded over a hundred executive orders before he left office.
The two experienced hikers fought chest-deep snow and freezing temperatures before huddling in snow to wait for rescuers.
The Trump administration lifted protections on schools and other areas from immigration operations, including arrests.
NH refugees reeling from Trump order: 'It's impossible for them to find that hope they used to have'Some families' flights were canceled after President Donald Trump signed an executive order suspending the U.S. Refugees Admissions Program.
On his first day in office this week, President Donald Trump pardoned all rioters at the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Jason Riddle served time in jail for his participation in the 2021 riot.
The Trump administration promises to carry out a mass deportation of immigrants when he’s in office.
A new report on the state’s Northern Border Alliance shows law enforcement reported no incidents related to illegal immigration at the Canadian border since July of last year.
U.S. Attorney Jane Young is the top federal prosecutor in New Hampshire. She was appointed to that role by President Joe Biden in 2022.
The operation to remove a cat’s claws involves amputating the bones on the paw. NH lawmakers tried to pass a bill banning the procedure in 2023, but it died in the state Senate.
We also look ahead to 2025 on this edition of the New Hampshire News Recap.