Hombre llega a un acuerdo con Fiscalía después de dejar nota racista en el carro de un Latino. El sistema de salud de NH aún se está recuperando d ciberataque. Pronto reabrirán una unidad en el Hospital de New Hampshire.
The United Against Hate event in Manchester is the first in a series organized by the U.S. Attorney’s office and the New Hampshire Attorney General
The new figures are based on reported acts of vandalism, intimidation and assault motivated by bias against a race or religion
The school has generated frustration and confusion after the post became public last week.
The events are in part a response to recent incidents around New Hampshire, including the distribution of neo-Nazi recruitment flyers in several Seacoast communities.
Majority Leader Jason Osborne repeatedly used a racist term for Black people on a libertarian web forum in 2011.
New survey finds about a third of Latinos have experienced racial discrimination during the pandemicA survey from the Pew Research Center found that having darker skin and being born outside of the U.S. are associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing discrimination.
Un tercio de Latinos experimentaron discriminación racial dentro de su comunidad durante la pandemiaUna investigadora de Pew Research Center, nos contó los resultados de una encuesta nacional sobre Latinos y discriminación. Los hallazgos dicen que existe racismo dentro de la comunidad.
La ciudad de Portsmouth retiró sus ordenanzas de cubrebocas en interiores ante el descenso de contagios y hospitalizaciones. Se discuten posibles cambios en estándares de educación pública y la industria pesquera se prepara para la variedad de impactos del cambio climático.
The woman threatened to kneel on the neck of the 9-year old boy and called him a racial slur.