A Puerto Rican living on the Seacoast says the region's history is cloistered in academic circles. He says access to that history could help immigrants from the Caribbean understand the forces that shaped their move to the U.S.
Many people in Puerto Rico remain without electricity or running water after Hurricane Fiona brought high winds and heavy rains to the island past weekend. Three New Hampshire residents with family affected by Hurricane Fiona reflect on the fallout from the recent storm.
Juez de Hillsborough descarta demanda contra política escolar de Manchester. Nueva ayuda disponible para cubrir cuentas eléctricas. Se expande la elegibilidad para la vacuna de la viruela del mono.
A continuación, lee las noticias del viernes 22 de octubre y una entrevista con Brenda León, reportera de Connecticut Public Radio quien trabajó “Los De María”, documental sobre cómo algunas familias puertorriqueñas lidian aún con las consecuencias del huracán María, cuatro años después.También puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio.Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro guión para nuestras grabaciones. Tenlo en cuenta si ves algunas anotaciones diferentes.
Nuestra colega de Connecticut Public Radio, Brenda León, hizo un reportaje y un documental sobre cómo han sido estos cuatro años para familias boricuas de la zona de New England.
A group of healthcare workers from New Hampshire are heading to Puerto Rico this weekend to help out a local hospital that was severely damaged in the…
N.H. Transportation Official Will Stay in Puerto Rico to Assist with RecoveryThe New Hampshire Department of Transportation sent a crew of workers to Puerto Rico in early October to assist with the recovery of infrastructure…
N.H. Resident Reunites with Daughter After Hurricane MariaMorning Edition Host Rick Ganley spoke with a New Hampshire mother last week who was unable to contact her daughter after Hurricane Maria struck Puerto…
Today on the Statehouse Lawn, donations of food and water streamed in for Puerto Ricans affected by Hurricane Maria.The New Hampshire Food Bank, the…
Here’s one thing you might not know about the Upper Valley: it's home to hundreds of Puerto Rican dogs. That’s because of the relationship between one New…