Lau Guzmán
Experts say taking a client’s culture into consideration is important for mental health providers, especially to help process the traumatic experiences of immigration.
Aunque algunos votantes Latinos están emocionados esta temporada electoral, otros sienten que están siendo dejados a un lado.
While some local Latino voters are energized this election season, others feel like they’re being left behind.
Residents and protesters asked the mayor and Board of Alderman to decrease policing and increase resources allocated to serving unhoused residents.
The $10 million remodeling underway will update the club to serve the community and kids better.
Una iniciativa de organizaciones sin fines de lucro dedicadas a la educación infantil llamada Smart Start está trabajando en reclutar proveedores de cuidado infantil que podrían haber sido ignorados.
An initiative from a group of early childhood nonprofits called Smart Start is working to recruit childcare providers who might have otherwise been overlooked.
The Little League clubhouse at Sheehan Basquil Park also has a new air conditioning unit. A team of about two dozen students cleaned the clubhouse and painted a mural this summer as part of a local internship.
NH Attorney General John Formella says a new rule expanding health benefits to ‘Dreamers’ violates federal law and is a misuse of taxpayer money.