Jordana Pomeroy will step in as the museum’s new director in September.
The first outdoor painting by Vincent Van Gogh champions the working class, according to a museum curator.
From Friday night at the Symphony to Sunday Jazz Brunch, take a musical tour through New Hampshire this weekend.
Alan Chong led the art museum for more than six years. He is credited with expanding and diversifying its collection.
Artist JooYoung Choi has created an expansive imaginary world through paintings, puppets, sculptures, and music videos. She told NHPR Morning Edition host Rick Ganley how growing up in Concord inspired her colorful universe, the Cosmic Womb.
Judith Leyster was a well-regarded artist in Holland, known for candid paintings of average people
The Iranian-born artist makes surrealistic work tracing struggles over gender equality, freedom and democracy.
April showers bring Storytime Saturdays at the Concord Library, Exeter Litfest and Celtic Woman at the Capitol Center for the Arts.
As kids and families waited for COVID-19 vaccines at a clinic in Manchester, a group of anti-vaccine mandate protestors chanted. One man was arrested.
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