Olivia Richardson
ReporterI’m a general assignment reporter, which means that I report on all kinds of different stories. But I am especially drawn to stories that spark curiosity and illustrate the complexities of how people are living and who they are. I’m also interested in getting to the “how” of how people live out their day-to-day lives within the policies, practices, and realities of the culture around them. How do you find community or make sure you’re represented in places of power? I’m interested in stories that challenge entrenched narratives and am drawn to covering arts and culture, as they can be a method of seeing how politics affects us.
Contact Olivia at orichardson@nhpr.org.
NH cities and towns are supposed to clean their own sidewalks. This winter, that's been a challenge.Tight budgets and staffing shortages are slowing down the cleanup process in some communities.
Organizers said they wanted to raise awareness about these issues while also providing a space for healing.
Keene State College released its guidance on how to deal with federal immigration officials if they come on campus.
Ski industry officials are stressing their safety record after a chair fell at Attitash Mountain Resort.
Algunas escuelas le han dicho a su personal que se contacten con el superintendente si ICE u otros oficiales de aplicación de ley llegan con una orden judicial. Los expertos legales dicen que es importante entender la diferencia entre este tipo de orden y otros documentos que no requieren el mismo cumplimiento.
Some schools have told staff to contact the superintendent if ICE or other law enforcement officials arrive with a judicial warrant. Legal experts say it's important to understand the difference between that kind of warrant and other documents that don't require the same compliance.
A youth shelter in Manchester is closed due to plumbing issues, while another shelter in Littleton is planning to open after a delay.
TikTok could be banned in the U.S. within a few days, and some want to extend the deadline.
The proposal would increase income eligibility limits for families of students.
Similar legislation has been rejected in the past, in part due to state budget concerns.