Gov. Chris Sununu has vetoed his 39th and 40th bills of the year. These bills aim to undo recent election law changes backed by the GOP.
Related: Click here for our veto tracker, which is detailing bills vetoed by Governor Chris Sununu
One bill, HB 105, aims to repeal the law known as Senate Bill 3.
That law, passed by Republicans in 2017, tightened proof of residency requirements for people who register to vote within 30 days of an election.
Democrats think that law creates needless barriers to voting.
In his veto message, Sununu called the standards "commonsense."
The other vetoed bill, HB106, would repeal a 2018 law that harmonized the definitions of resident, residence and inhabitant in state statute.
Republicans say that law makes clear that people who vote here follow other laws, including getting state drivers’ licenses and registering their cars locally.
Democrats say the law targets college students and amounts to a poll tax.
Both laws remain under legal challenge.