The stations will provide weather data that can be used by forecasters, scientists, and local businesses that rely on certain weather conditions for tourism.
Amey Bailey has been watching trees change at Hubbard Brook since 1992. Her observations could help scientists understand how forests are responding to climate change.
Movimiento Juvenil de NH demanda nueva ley de ID de votantes. Partido Libertario de NH defiende su publicación. Candidatas a gobernadora discuten sus planes de turismo.
From campgrounds to amusement parks to boat rental services, local business owners say they’re excited for the tourist season to get underway.
Público comenta sobre el plan de cambio climático del estado. NH proyecta un turismo movido, con ciertas adaptaciones en sus áreas de esquí. UNH Manchester organiza una feria científica para niños.
While federal projections show New Hampshire is in for a warm winter, state officials estimate about three million people will visit the state.
Conway Police Chief Chris Mattei said he hopes state officials will allow for a paved queue line so that drivers seeking to enter the baths don't have to wait in the road.
Rentals for some outdoor recreation spots are down, but some indoor retailers have seen an uptick in customers.
As summer nears, a reminder to NH tourists: 'There's more than two or three places to hike or visit'Summer is the state’s biggest tourism season. State officials are trying to balance certain destinations’ popularity with sustainability.
Mount Washington Valley Career and Technical Center is helping students get certified in bike tech, wilderness first aid and other skills needed for the field.