As climate change increasingly shows up in Granite Staters’ daily lives, NHPR's By Degrees is following how state lawmakers are addressing the challenge.
The opposition from Republicans Joe Kenney and David Wheeler during a contract vote on Wednesday came despite the Legislature already approving the money.
UNH political scientists looked at 20 years of legislators and found that while many still arrive with local government experience, the trend is changing.
New Hampshire is the only New England state that has yet to legalize cannabis for recreational use. Economic justice programs are central to cannabis legalization in neighboring states like Vermont and Massachusetts. But there hasn’t been a significant push for economic justice for people affected by cannabis prohibition in New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire House endorsed the Senate’s two-year budget proposal, foregoing usual negotiations. We dig into that and more on this week’s edition of the New Hampshire News Recap.
Los proyectos de ley estatales abordan intereses de la vida diaria. Para encontrarlos, se puede acceder a la web de Citizens Counts, acercarse a organizaciones locales, seguir los medios y participar.
Después de varios reconteos de votos, la mayoría Republicana de la Cámara se reduce. En un evento, estudiantes conversaron sobre la experiencia de inmigrar a New Hampshire. Se abre un nuevo museo sobre historia judía en Bedford.
Iglesia ucraniana en Manchester organiza espacios de rezo e invita a misa. New Hampshire recibe alerta de tormenta de nieve. Gobernador veta examen de cívica en universidades y aprueba proyectos a favor de programas de eficiencia energética.
House Speaker Sherman Packard stripped Democrat Nicole Klein Knight of her committee seat at the request of Democratic leaders after BIPOC activists allege racist conduct.
Lawmakers activated by COVID-19 are pushing bills in ways that blur the distinction between lawmaking and activism.