State Senators heard testimony Wednesday on a bill that would expand the state’s only existing school choice program.
Under the existing system, businesses in New Hampshire can get a tax break when they make donations to scholarships which can be used on private school or homeschool expenses.
A bill sponsored by Republican representative Gregory Hill would expand the program to allow individuals to donate and get a credit on their interest and dividends tax.
“In the past scholarship year, in excess of 70 qualified families had to be told that their child or children would either have to stay in the school where they weren’t thriving or find alternatives on their own as scholarship money just wasn’t available.”
Democratic Representative Susan Almy argued against the bill, telling the Senate Ways and Means Committee that it would help the wealthy at the expense of tax revenues and the poor.
"Not only will the tax go down, but the perception of the people outside this body that our tax system is unfair to them, is going to grow."
The bill has already passed in the House.