Ian Lenahan - Portsmouth Herald
Charging documents accuse Tyler Anderson of sending threatening text messages in response to texts from presidential candidates’ campaigns between Nov. 22 and Dec. 8.
A spokesperson for UNH confirmed the school is working with the graduate students as they enter the home stretch of unionization efforts.
The six dozen-plus employees being laid off this winter were given 45 days notice last week.
NH state police and the state Attorney General confirmed they are leading investigations into the attack against a Black man last week.
The fictional book is written about a high school boy who was previously molested by a teacher and his ensuing trauma.
The SAU 11 book reconsideration committee has already recommended keeping the book in place at the Dover High School library, as it is not required reading for students.
The Portsmouth navy yard has long been one of the biggest employers in the seacoast of Maine and New Hampshire.
Love locks appear on bridges and other structures around the world.
The resolution says city resources "may not be used for the purpose of censoring library materials on the basis of political, partisan or ideological belief."
The Black Heritage Trail’s Juneteenth festivities this year are running through June 19.