For those of you who like a little dessert after dinner, a trip to Canterbury Shaker Village might be in order this weekend.
Confectionery architects from all over the state have entered the Canterbury Shaker Village's Annual Gingerbread Showcase.
Over thirty people have entered.
NHPR Producer Cheryl Senter spoke with several of them as they dropped their entries off earlier this week and she provides this audio postcard.
Sound of door opening and greetings exchanged.
(flute music in background)
My name is Mary Lee and we are taking submissions to the Gingerbread Showcase here at Canterbury Shaker Village. Last year we had 1,200 people here and we transformed the gallery into a gingerbread village. It was exciting, lots of children. A nicer experience than going to the mall and shopping... they shop with their eyes.
Bryce McAllister. I'm ten years old. This is my second year. Last year I won 2nd place. And, I've decided to go with a -theme- this year and if the theme works, I'll try it again next year.
I'm Sarah Dunham, Coordinator of Family Programming at the Shaker Village. The Gingerbread showcase is our third annual one. It’s a collection of gingerbread houses from people in the community. We have five categories. The public can come in and look at the houses and decorate cookies and make Christmas ornaments and listen to stories and things like that. It’s a fun event. Good thing to do after Thanksgiving, (laugh).
Stephanie Allen, Center Harbor, NH. I'm just dropping this off for my mom, for Cakes by the Lake. My mom, she'd really want to see them, so I'm taking pictures with my cell phone. She would like to see the competition, (laugh).
I'm a judge this year, my name is Betsy Baron, and over here we have some plain ones but they're really well done! You can actually see the construction of the gingerbread, there isn't as much color on these, but, the pieces of the gingerbread that have been cut-out to make the architectural details of the house, I really like. Actually I like both of these. I guess I am just a purist in that way. Mine I have to glob the icing to cover it up.
(two young sisters)
When I was young, I tried eating a gingerbread house. And I...(other sister chimes in "She threw up"), no I didn't. I wanted the candy, so I ate the house, and, it didn't taste good.
I'm Kristen , I'm Jennifer, (twin sisters newly out of college). We utilized our critical thinking skills to figure out what each candy could be.
I'm Martha Dodge. Well, we made a gingerbread train that we found in Family Fun magazine.
And we worked on it for four days (granddaughters). Kristin made the engine, Julie made the candy car and I made the caboose. So we discussed it all summer and decided what we were going to do. And today's the day we brought it out here. It's fun for all three off us. It's a nice family tradition. And we have pictures from last year. So it's great, wonderful memories.
Door shuts ending final day of taking in entries for the showcase.