University of New Hampshire researchers have gathered data and mapped lumpfish populations to understand how they’re moving as waters warm.
Migration, a mast year, and climate change are all contributing, said Sean O’Brien, with the UNH Cooperative Extension.
We’ve got answers to your burning questions, and even settle a family debate that’s been smoldering for generations.
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At the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in northern New Hampshire, the pandemic broke a decades-long streak of field research. Now, scientists there are…
A continuación, encuentra las noticias del lunes 28 de septiembre. Puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio o leerlas.Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro…
The White Mountain Fritillary butterfly can only be found in one place on earth - above 4000 feet in the Presidential Range. A conservation effort is…
A continuación, encuentra las noticias del jueves 17 de septiembre. Puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio o leerlas.Una nota: Lo escrito es…
Environmental groups want federal regulators to reconsider a new water discharge permit for New England’s largest coal-fired power plant – Merrimack…
Low snow cover, warm spells this winter, and a mast crop of berries and acorns in the fall have more bears coming out of hibernation, particularly in the…