A grant program known as HeatSmart+ is offering $3,300 to residents for electrification. It’s part of efforts to help mitigate climate change.
State regulators say adding targets for cutting climate-warming pollution into New Hampshire law is not part of the project.
A preliminary damage assessment conducted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency found the statewide response efforts from severe storms and flooding in July cost over $5.2 million.
Durham beekeeper Lee Alexander says rain storms and heat waves intensified by climate change is making his job harder. Experts say he’s not alone.
In the spring, Lake Kanasatka in Moultonborough received an uncommon treatment for cyanobacteria that cuts off the bacteria’s food source. This summer, its waters are crystal clear.
For the past year, one team of Dartmouth Health pediatricians in Lebanon has helped inform patients about five local climate concerns: air quality, extreme heat, extreme weather, ticks and mosquitos, and mental health.
Through their community power programs, cities and towns are asking residents to choose electric rates that support higher percentages of renewable energy.
As communities across the state continue to see 90-degree days, summer camps are making changes to keep kids safe.
In this second panel from the 2024 By Degrees Climate Summit, climate journalists from around New England discuss the role solutions-based journalism can play in affecting community action and accountability. This special broadcast originally aired Thursday, June 27 at 1 p.m.
In this first panel from the 2024 By Degrees Climate Summit, we discuss how local communities throughout New England are planning for the future in the face of intensifying storms. This special broadcast aired Wednesday, June 26 at 1 p.m. and again at 9 p.m.
NHPR will air two one-hour broadcasts of the 2024 By Degrees Climate Summit Wednesday, June 26 and Thursday, June 27. Each panel will air at 1 p.m. and again at 9 p.m.
El cambio climático causa que New Hampshire esté más caliente, y los científicos esperan más días de calor extremo. Esto puede ser peligroso. Te contamos cómo protegerte a ti y a tus seres queridos.