The team checks our voicemail and makes a shocking discovery.
The Olympic hosts want a gold medal in sustainability. Should they get one for greenwashing instead?
Outside/In’s unofficial decomposition correspondent, Felix Poon, investigates the pros and cons of burial, cremation, and composting, and tries to figure how we can more sustainably rest in peace.
NH celebró el Día de la Tierra en distintos eventos en el estado. Secretaría Estatal advierte de posible estafa a negocios pequeños vía correo. Hubo audiencia sobre legalización de marihuana en NH.
A Boston-based company is looking to increase the amount of local produce grown year-round in the region.
“Our question shouldn't be: How do we get through the next three months or six months or a year?” said Anne Sosin of Dartmouth College, “But rather: How do we make the investments to have a public health infrastructure for the future?"
Like most modern publications, Low-tech Magazine has a website. But when you scroll through theirs, you’ll notice an icon in the corner: the weather forecast in Barcelona.
Boldly trying to answer listener questions no podcast has answered before (maybe).
Every other Friday on Morning Edition, the Outside/In team answers a question from a listener about the natural world. This week, we encounter a question about space. Jazmine Castro-Diaz asked on Instagram:“What does the future of space travel look like in terms of environmental sustainability? Like fuel, effects of launches, et cetera?”
A fascinating climate conversation as well as a glimpse into the differences between hunting culture in the U.S. and Germany.