A parent sued the city’s school district over a policy that allows a student to decide if they want those outside of the school told if they are transgender or gender nonconforming.
Iniciativa en Nashua busca colaborar con la escasez de cuidado infantil con charlas bilingües. El fentanilo, responsable de la mayoría de muertes por sobredosis en el estado. Manchester votará sobre limitar celulares en sus escuelas.
A Chicago-based organization is assessing what kind of resources and level of commitment the school district needs to bring the program to life.
El distrito escolar de Manchester lanzará un programa de inmersión en dos idiomas el próximo otoño 2024. Manchester se aliará con grupos ambientalistas para construir más árboles.
A Manchester parent is suing to force schools to disclose changes in students’ gender identity.
The Manchester Police Department says Lorraine Springer-Aidoo has been located and is safe. She had last been seen two weeks ago.
The district currently has only two Spanish-language liaisons to serve approximately 1,600 Spanish-speaking families
A continuación, lee las noticias del miércoles 15 de septiembre.También puedes escuchar haciendo click en el audio.Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro guión para nuestras grabaciones. Tenlo en cuenta si ves algunas anotaciones diferentes.
Paula Jones, a Manchester elementary school principal, says the start of this school year was the most rewarding of her career — but also the most difficult.
The Manchester School District is filing a legal claim against Purdue Pharma for that company's role in the opioid crisis.Purdue Pharma made and marketed…