La congresista Annie Kuster se despidió de sus colegas legisladores en su último discurso en la Cámara de Representantes el miércoles.
Concord residents and filmmakers Dan and Sam Habib have released an expanded version of their Emmy-award winning documentary.
La directora del Consejo de Discapacidades del Desarrollo de NH dijo que la mejor opción es utilizar una papeleta en ausencia o pedir asistencia en las urnas.
Los defensores de NH presionan para poner fin al uso de la palabra "especial" cuando se habla de discapacidad. Fiscal de Hanover ha retirado cargos penales en contra de ciertos manifestantes de Dartmouth. Las tarifas eléctricas cambiarán en agosto para los clientes de NH.
Se celebró Juneteenth en el downtown de Manchester ayer con una fiesta en la manzana. Pronto llegan las vacunas para niños menores a New Hampshire. El gobernador Sununu firmó proyecto de ley para facilitar el registro al voto para jóvenes con discapacidades.
The film follows Samuel Habib, who is in his early 20s, across the country as he seeks guidance from disability activists on everything from leaving home to dating.
The Department of Health and Human Services maintains that “home and community-based services are not available to anyone who is still in school,” according to court records.
An N.H. based disability justice organization has submitted recommendations to New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority, as the group finds many in its community are at risk of homelessness.
Activists are planning a Black Lives Matter protest in Portsmouth on Friday that will be accessible to disabled people. Deborah Opramolla and Juliana Good…
More people are bringing their animals with them -- into stores, onto planes. Some are service animals, highly trained, assisting with such tasks as…