Gov. Chris Sununu said he plans to veto the new congressional map passed by legislators Thursday — setting the stage for court-drawn districts.
The map approved by State House Republicans on Thursday would have moved Manchester, home of Congressman Chris Pappas, into the 2nd District. It would have also kept Hopkinton, home of Congresswoman Annie Kuster, in that same district. That didn't appear to sit well with Sununu.
"The citizens of New Hampshire will not accept this map, which moves both members of Congress into the same district," Sununu said. "Our races have to be fair, which is why I will veto this map."
Also under the legislature's plan, a string of Republican towns would have moved into the 1st District. In total, nearly a quarter of the state's population would have shifted to a new district, according to one analysis.
On Friday, a new congressional map will be released as part of an ongoing redistricting case at the New Hampshire Supreme Court. It’s expected to look similar to the current map. Then the court will hear arguments on the map May 31, the day before the candidate filing period for this fall's elections begins.
The current map for New Hampshire's 1st District and 2nd District (one on western part of the state) is below.