Adults with developmental disabilities are provided government assistance, including services they used to get from the school system as children. But for years, there's been a waiting list for that help, despite political promises and attempts at reform. We ask why the state keeps falling short for these adults and their families.
Producer's Note: Read our additional coverage of this show.
- Christine Santaniello - Director of the Bureau of Developmental Services for the Department of Health and Human Services. She formerly led Lakes Region Community Services.
- Sandy Pelletier - President and CEO of Gateways Community Services, an area agency in Nashua New Hampshire.
- Jennifer Bertrand - Vice-Chair of the Council Policy Committee for the New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities.
On Tuesday, January 24th at 3:30PM, family members, lawmakers, and healthcare providers testified before the State Legislature on behalf of HB-387-FN-A, which would increase the pay for direct service providers through the Bureau of Developmental Services by 2%.
For more information:
The NH Council on Developmental Disabilities
The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
The Bureau of Developmental Services
A list of provider agencies.
Stepping Stones, a publication of Parenting New Hampshire that provides information for those with disabilities.
Below is a chart tracking the number of people on the Developmental Disability Services wait-list from 2006-2016.
To read the full report from the Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services, Jeffrey Meyers, click here.