The money will cover three phases of improvements, including purchasing new vehicles, developing an EMT certification program and implementing new dispatch software to all Dartmouth Health, or DH, member hospitals.
Native Americans at Dartmouth group coordinated a celebration with the theme “Indigenous Voices” aimed at amplifying the stories of Indigenous Peoples in Hanover and beyond.
Nobel Prize winner Victor Ambros graduated from Woodstock High School in 1971, and earned his bachelor’s degree and doctorate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He became principal investigator at Harvard in 1985, then a tenured professor at Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine from 1992-2007.
A Dartmouth College spokesperson said the college’s Department of Safety and Security also is conducting “increased patrols along the waterfront” of the Connecticut River.
The antique weathervane sat atop the train depot in White River Junction, Vermont, until thieves stole it in 1983.
Federal prosecutors in Vermont allege that Dr. Adnan Khan distributed drugs “outside the usual course of professional practice” and “without a legitimate medical purpose.”
Lebanon's new temporary shelter served 53 people from late January to mid-April. The majority were between 21 and 40 years old.
"I think every town who has a covered bridge has a horror story about it," said Rep. Margaret Drye.
Management actions for habitat, vegetation and recreation have been approved to occur within about 755 acres of land owned by the forest service.
Last fall, Liberty switched to a new digital billing system, resulting in snags that kept some ratepayers from receiving bills for months.