The national average for gas prices on Monday stood around $3.44, according to AAA. That's down about 9 cents from a week ago — marking the largest one-week drop recorded by the motor club so far in 2024.
The sale, from storage sites in New Jersey and Maine, will be allocated in increments of 100,000 barrels at a time. The approach will create a competitive bidding process that ensures gasoline can flow into local retailers ahead of the July 4 holiday and sold at competitive prices, the Energy Department said.
Consumer prices last month were 3.2% higher than the month before — a smaller annual increase than the previous month. A sharp drop in gas prices in October helped to offset rising rents.
Gobernadores de New England solicitan fondo adicional para programa de energía. Centros de salud mental recibirán subsidio federal. La senadora Hassan visita Manchester.
Cámara discute esfuerzo de crear declaración de derechos parentales en escuelas del estado.Hombre detenido por ICE en la prisión de Dover, está demandando al gobierno federal, diciendo que fue ilegalmente torturado y deportado. Eversource presenta casos para comprar postes de servicios públicos, lo que comparte con otra compañía.
Not every proposal pushed by N.H. lawmakers could actually work quickly enough to help Granite Staters affected by rising gas prices.
With each passing day the disruption of oil markets related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine pushes up gas prices in the U.S. to a new record.
As U.S. gas prices hit record highs, it's an especially good time to improve your car's fuel economy. Keeping windows closed, avoiding high speeds and getting routine tuneups can all help.
The prospect that the U.S. and its allies could impose new sanctions on Russian oil pushed energy prices sharply higher. The average price of gasoline in the U.S. hit $4.06 per gallon.