The country’s current top doctor says tackling loneliness should be a "national priority."
A number of New Hampshire schools are reporting an uptick in behavior problems, including fights, skipped classes and vandalism.
“Our question shouldn't be: How do we get through the next three months or six months or a year?” said Anne Sosin of Dartmouth College, “But rather: How do we make the investments to have a public health infrastructure for the future?"
In COVID-19 times, a Mass.-based mental health counselor recommends fostering self-love and bonding with our communities to bolster our emotional health.
Con más pruebas de COVID-19 en casa, el departamento de salud no tiene datos precisos de contagios porque no se reportan los positivos. Las hospitalizaciones por el virus sí se han reducido en comparación a comienzos de mes.
NHPR spoke to New Hampshire's Child Advocate about a new report which shows how New Hampshire's children have been harmed by the pandemic.
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Anne Carle’s workday begins with a screen of red, green and yellow boxes. The red ones mean higher risk patients. Carle is a telehealth nurse and RN at…
It’s been a year of anxiety and grief, and even the sense of a light at the end of the tunnel brings its own confusion. We explore the mental and physical…
A continuación, lee las noticias del jueves 20 de mayo. También puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio. Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro guión para…