Discarded evergreens are a delicious New Year’s treat for most hooved animals.
“There’s been a fairly significant change over time,” says a UNH pollster, who points to demographics as the driving force.
Tree farms across New Hampshire are full of families in pursuit of the perfect Christmas tree.
After you strap your Christmas tree to the top of your car, what happens to the field where you cut it down?
Permits are available online or at White Mountain National Forest offices.
Don’t trash the tree: Each municipality has its own guidance for composting or recycling trees, and adventurous Granite Staters could even feed their evergreen to a goat.
Hospitalizaciones y fallecimientos por COVID-19 aumentan después de las festividades. Hospitales de New Hampshire esperan apoyo federal y protocolos de cuarentena para empleados. Además, se discuten proyectos de vacunación en la legislatura.
New to cutting your own tree at a Christmas tree farm? Thinking of a different variety this year? Here's some insight into what you need to know.
New to cutting your own tree at a Christmas tree farm? Thinking of a different variety this year? Here's some insight into what you need to know.
Escucha sobre lo que datos estatales revelan sobre brotes de COVID-19 durante los 18 meses de la pandemia, cómo el cambio climático afecta la salud de residentes del estado y fincas de árboles de Navidad y los próximos fondos federales que recibirá New Hampshire.