The absence of a clear pathway to permanent residency or citizenship leaves many Afghan evacuees without any long-term solution.
One team in New Hampshire has more than 60 people volunteering to help resettle refugees.
Though their future legal status in the country is still unclear, Afghans and Ukrainians living in New Hampshire can now apply to remain for at least 18 months.
NHPR followed one agency working with Afghan evacuees as the organization welcomed new arrivals to New Hampshire.
Many families are arriving in New Hampshire with only one bag per person, often less, because they had to flee their homes in Afghanistan so quickly.
The Executive Council rejected $27 million dollars in federal funding for the COVID-19 vaccination effort and police removed several protestors from that meeting.
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In an interview with the 19th, Shaheen said when it comes to Afghan women and girls, the best thing U.S. leaders can do is continue to speak out about what is happening on the ground in the country as the Taliban asserts its power.
The U.S. is expecting thousands of Afghans to arrive as they evacuate their home country. Some of them will come to New Hampshire.
One Afghan woman who fled the Taliban in the 1990s is helping a New England resettlement agency welcome new evacuees.