Budget writers in the New Hampshire House have adopted a proposed two year state spending plan. The House Finance Committee voted this week to increase Medicaid rates and raise wages for state workers.
The House has also backed a plan to replace the Sununu Youth Services Center with a smaller facility. We talked about these stories and more on this edition of the New Hampshire News Recap.
- Josh Rogers, NHPR
- Annmarie Timmins, New Hampshire Bulletin
Top stories from around New Hampshire this week:
- NH House Finance Committee backs budget plan that includes pay boost for state workers
- With advocates pushing, NH House backs Sununu Youth Center replacement
- NH Senate unanimously backs push to enshrine presidential primary in state constitution
- UNH Law students walk out over ‘transphobic’ messages by campus group
- Dartmouth identifies remains of 15 Native American individuals in its collections, promises repatriation
- Folk singer Andriy Zharkov's journey from Ukraine to NH after Russia's invasion
- Christie: GOP needs someone who can quickly take down Trump