The Bradley Haas Act is named after former Franklin Police Chief Bradley Haas, who was killed last year during a shooting at the New Hampshire Hospital, was initially introduced to offer a $100,000 death benefit to Haas’ family.
Dale Holloway, 41, "turned a marriage into mayhem," prosecutor Seth Dobieski said at the sentencing hearing in Nashua, NH.
The judge called Logan Clegg a "stone-cold, violent murderer" as he imposed the sentence requested by prosecutors of two sentences of 50 years to life in prison for the murders of Stephen and Djeswende "Wendy" Reid.
Federal law prohibits anyone who has been involuntarily committed to a mental institution from possessing a firearm, and purchasing guns through a licensed dealer requires a background check that asks about such hospitalizations. However, New Hampshire does not provide mental health records to the national database that is used for background checks.
The trooper fired at a man who fatally shot a security officer who was working at the New Hampshire Hospital's front entrance.
Especialistas de salud mental brindan apoyo a pacientes del New Hampshire Hospital tras tiroteo. Candidato DeSantis habló con grupo de votantes en Manchester. En Nashua, se manifestaron trabajadores de dos casinos pidiendo mejores salarios.
Newly released records detail a 2016 altercation with family members in which John Madore threatened violence after officers arrived at his house.
Two people were shot and killed, including the gunman, in a confrontation inside the lobby of the secure psychiatric facility in Concord Friday afternoon.
El fiscal general dijo que Bradley Haas, de 63 años, quien trabajó como jefe policial en Franklin, estaba vigilando el vestíbulo de la instalación cuando fue atacado.
In October of 2019, bishop Stanley Choate was shot in the chest at the New England Pentecostal Ministries in Pelham, while the bride, Claire McMullen, was shot in the arm.