Epsom officials say lawmaker misrepresented meeting cited as reason for bill to cull curriculum reqsThe bill Rep. Dan McGuire seeks to eliminate civics, arts, music, engineering, finance literacy, computer science, and other subjects from the list of topics NH public schools are required to teach.
The rules govern virtually every aspect of public school administration, from class sizes to curriculum requirements.
“One cannot say that if you bring more children into town and they entered the public schools, that the property tax will go up," the study's author said. "It simply isn’t supported by the data or by logic.”
Monday's decision is the latest in a decades-long fight over who should pay for public schools and how much that should cost.
During more than an hour of questioning in Rockingham County Superior Court, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut declined to outline which education services he believes the state is required to uphold in order to meet the adequacy standard.
The trial resumes this week with testimony by New Hampshire Department of Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut. He is scheduled to testify Tuesday afternoon.
Parents' effort to reverse deep cuts to the school budget attracted the attention of the New York Times and other national outlets. A year later, many say the lessons for civic engagement are there to stay.
Programa de vouchers de escuelas recibe aprobación preliminar de legisladores. Demócratas proponen proyecto de derechos estudiantiles como respuesta al proyecto de derechos parentales de Republicanos. Comité de la Cámara rechaza restricciones al aborto.
Estudiantes de secundaria se oponen a un proyecto de ley que quiere segregar baños por un solo género. Departamento de salud se opone a retirar clínicas de vacunación en escuelas. ACLU pide más transparencia en casos de oficiales que apelan su inclusión en la lista Laurie.
The enrollment decline seen this year is closer to pre-pandemic levels. It's due in part to New Hampshire’s low birth rates and aging population.