El mes pasado, casi el 43% de encuestados le dijeron al Centro de Encuestas de la Universidad de New Hampshire que están “muy” o “algo” preocupados sobre los migrantes indocumentados que consumen los recursos estatales, cuestan dinero de contribuyentes, y cometen crímenes.
Hombre de NYC que transportó inmigrantes indocumentados recibe sentencia. Secretario general de NH testifica en audiencia sobre inteligencia artificial en elecciones. Administración de Biden asignó a NH para ayudar a reforzar las leyes de viajeros.
An organization says immigrant women could help fill the state’s shortage of childcare providers, but more outreach is needed.
The legislation would allow certain landowners to post "No Trespassing" signs, allowing local police to arrest suspected migrants on state-level criminal charges.
There were 21 encounters or apprehensions in a 15-month period, ending in December 2023. That’s according to figures provided by Border Patrol to the ACLU of New Hampshire.
La frontera norte de New Hampshire con Canadá se ha convertido en un tema frecuente en la política local, mientras aumentan las patrullas a pesar de la falta de datos concretos sobre número de cruces a New Hampshire.
Critics of the state’s new plan point to a lack of details about the number of crossings into New Hampshire.
Next Level Church, based in New Hampshire, became one of the fastest growing megachurches in the entire country. Now the church and its founding pastor are under scrutiny. We discuss that story and more in this edition of the New Hampshire News Recap.
On May Day, a historic marker honoring early-20th Century labor leader Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was unveiled in Concord, and immigrant rights activists rallied at the State House.
Since she was a child, Lidia Yen has been her family’s case manager, social worker and medical liaison.