We want to hear your thoughts: Do you think New Hampshire should continue to hold the first presidential primary, or is it time for another state to lead?
Tell us how you've observed the effects of climate change in N.H., and ask us your climate change questions.
How connected do you feel to the decision makers, like the select board or town council, in your community? Have you noticed local issues becoming more polarized, or more influenced by national politics, in your community? We'd love to hear your thoughts.
NHPR is no longer updating this page on a regular basis. You can find our latest coverage on the pandemic here.
As NHPR continues to track the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in New Hampshire, we welcome your questions, and your input guides our reporting.
You can now text us to ask your questions about housing in New Hampshire. We're also sharing updates on important housing news.
Dealing with an unresponsive landlord, leaks or bed bugs? Not sure what your rights are during an eviction? Concerned that you’re facing discrimination when apartment-hunting? We want to help.
Share your questions about housing in New Hampshire and what resources would be useful with NHPR.
It wasn't just the big milestones – weddings, birthdays, graduations - that the pandemic put on hold. It was also the smaller rituals: Katie Paine, of…
For the First Time, Again: A Grandfather's Long-Awaited Roadtrip to Make Up For Moments Lost to ZoomAs people across the country get vaccinated against COVID-19, more of us are beginning to plan reunions with family or friends. Gerald Cooper, of…