Voters in New Hampshire are heading to the polls on Tuesday for city elections.
The race in Manchester is a rematch between incumbent Joyce Craig, a Democrat, and former Republican state representative Victoria Sullivan.
Read more about where the two candidates stand on the top issues in Manchester here.
Concord's longest-serving mayor, Democrat Jim Bouley, is running for an eighth term. He's opposed by Republican Taylor Hall, a finance counselor at Southern New Hampshire University.
In Laconia, Democratic incumbent Andrew Hosmer is running for his second term against Republican Dawn Johnson. There were calls for Johnson to resign from her position as state representative last year after she posted a link on Twitter to an article with an anti-Semitic image from a neo-Nazi website. Johnson issued an apology and continued to serve in her position.
George Hansel is seeking reelection in Keene. His challenger is Mark Zuchowski. Party affiliations for Hansel and Zuchowski were not immediately available.
Current city councilor Dale Girard is the only person on the ballot for mayor in Claremont. Mayor Robert Carrier is also running unopposed in Dover, as is Berlin's incumbent Paul Grenier, after the recent death of his challenger Robert Haynes from COVID-19 last month.
There is no official race for mayor in Portsmouth. The person who receives the most votes in the city council election becomes the next mayor.
Nashua is the only city in the state where the mayor serves a four-year term. Jim Donchess was elected in 2019 and has another two years in the position.
Voters in Franklin already elected their new mayor, Jo Brown, earlier this month.