The city of Manchester recently updated their public comment rules to prohibit banners, signs and speech officials consider inappropriate.
Many residents say they are pleased with the city’s new approach, while others without permanent homes try to steer clear of police to avoid fines.
Critics argue the move criminalizes homelessness.
A Pew Research Center analysis found that about one in 10 restaurants in the U.S serve Mexican food. But in New Hampshire the rate is much lower.
The course is taught by a Manchester Community College faculty member, and there is no cost to the Manchester School District or students.
A proposal would shift some outgoing mail sorting from Manchester to a facility in Boston, resulting in $1.5 million in savings, according to an initial review.
Murphy was charged with misdemeanor assault and criminal threatening stemming from an interaction with an employee inside his Manchester bar.
NHPR asked some of the Queen City’s residents what a snowy day means to them.
Local, state and federal officials gathered Tuesday at Palace Theater for the inauguration of Mayor Jay Ruais and other new municipal officers.
Several cities across New Hampshire have elected new mayors. This week, NHPR is sitting down with some of these new leaders to talk about their plans for office.