The family that owns the craft chain Hobby Lobby is opening a Museum of the Bible just blocks from the National Mall. It will be the first time their vast collection of biblical artifacts will be open to the public, but where exactly did these artifacts come from? On today’s show, a look into the provenance of the bible museum.
Then, how to build a new tradition. Let's face it, not everyone has a family holiday tradition, and for some, new life circumstances can render beloved customs obsolete. The Word of Mouth team has some ideas to spice up your holiday routine.
Plus, in an age when so much information is kept on a hard drive, hoarding isn't an exclusively physical problem, later in the show we’ll talk to a self-diagnosed digital hoarder.
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Hobby Lobby's Bible Museum
In 2014, the Oklahoma based craft chain, Hobby Lobby won a Supreme Court case which allowed closely held corporations to refuse to cover contraception under employee health care benefits if it violated the owner of the company’s religious beliefs. The family which owns Hobby Lobby is now hard at work on another complex Washington project: opening a Museum of the Bible just blocks from the National Mall.
The museum will make the Green family’s vast and relatively new collection of biblical artifacts open to the public for the first time which also opens up questions about their origins. Joel Baden and Candida Moss wrote about the museum-in-progress for The Atlantic. "Can Hobby Lobby Buy the Bible?"
Dead Bees, Nail Clippings, & Priceless Art
Andy Warhol is probably best known for his pop art paintings of Campbell’s soup cans and celebrities. But his most personal and intimate work was never exhibited until well after his death. Warhol’s serial work, time capsules, is comprised of more than 600 boxes filled with the ephemera of his life: postcards, phone messages and newspaper clippings.
The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, which houses the work, spent 6 years opening the boxes and cataloguing their contents. Producer Lauren Oberwent to the museum as the last few boxes were being opened.
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Holiday Traditions Roundtable
The holidays are a time for good tidings, cheer, and tradition…presumably. Because, let's face it, not everyone has a family holiday tradition, and for some, new life circumstances - such as the birth of a child or the death of a loved one - can render those old beloved customs obsolete. If you're among those looking for something new to do this year, look no further...the Word of Mouth crew is here to offer up their tried and true holiday traditions.
The Swedish Love Affair With Donald Duck
Holiday traditions differ between families, religions, and especially countries. In France, shoes take the place of Christmas stockings, while Australians can take advantage of the warm weather and spend Christmas at the beach. And in Sweden, once a year on Christmas Eve the entire country gathers around their televisions to watch an American cartoon. Susan Gray from KFAI has the story.
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Digital Hoarding
If you've successfully converted your photo library to an all digital format you might be saving paper and the space it takes up, but what if you can't manage to bring yourself to delete those files? Lizzie Crocker is a reporter for The Daily Beast, where we found her article: “I’m A Digital Hoarder.”