Pollinators are an essential part of our ecosystem, and have been in decline for years. We talk about small and big ways that you can help support pollinators, in your garden, yard, and outdoor spaces, and what species of pollinators and pollinator-plants are native to New Hampshire.
Air date: Tuesday, May 4, 2021.
- Diane De Luca - Senior biologist at the New Hampshire Audubon, where she oversees pollinator conservation projects and the pollinator demonstration garden.
- Emma Erler - Landscape and greenhouse specialist for the UNH Cooperative Extension.
- Donna Miller - Owner of Petals in the Pines, a farm and nature center in Canterbury that has native habitats, including a pollinator meadow and woodland trails, and educational activities. She is also the organizer of the N.H. Monarch Festival and a N.H. master gardener.
This show was produced by Christina Phillips.
At the UNH Cooperative Extension, you can find many resources on pollinators, including:
- Establishing a Wildflower Meadow from Seed
- Pollinator Plants in Northern New England Gardens
- Wildflower Meadows: Plant Selection and Establishment
- Upcoming Virtual Event, May 26: Supporting Pollinators in Your Landscape Webinar
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation Pollinator Conservation Program
The National Wildlife Federation's Native Plant Finder Tool
The New Hampshire Gardener Program
Local native-plant sellers:
Found Well Farm in Pembroke
Badgley Pond Perennials in Warner
Pemi Native Plants in Plymouth
N.H. State Forest Nursery in Concord
Van Berkum Nursery in Deerfield (wholesale)