It's been two years this week since New Hampshire's hands-free driving law banning the use of hand-held devices behind the wheel went into effect.
Major Matt Shapiro of the New Hampshire State Police was one of the leaders behind this law, aimed at getting drivers's eyes away from their phones and on the road. Speaking on The Exchange, Shapiro says there is clear evidence it's working.
"We have started changing culture, which takes time," Major Shapiro said. "I think you see far less of this on the roads than you did four years ago, when this was happening at every intersection, as you pass by cars on the interstate. On every Main Street, you saw this going on. That's not taking place today like it was before. A lot of the motoring public has voluntarily complied with the law, which is fantastic."
According to Shapiro, there were two fatal crashes related to distracted driving last year, down from 16 in 2014. However, overall traffic accidents and fatalities continue to remain high. See more information on New Hampshire motor vehicle accidents here.