It's an annual tradition hosted by New Hampshire State Parks.
A continuación, lee las noticias del lunes 5 de abril. También puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio. Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro guión para…
Sununu, Shaheen Seek Reversal Of Surprise Change To Conservation Grant ProgramEditor's note: The Department of Interior announced Feb. 11 that the order with the controversial change would be rescinded. Below is the original story,…
New Hampshire is laying out a potential phased plan for resuming normal operations at state parks and other outdoor recreation sites, with new controls to…
The state park system is thriving, with a 30% increase in visitors since 2013, according to Philip Bryce, director of the N.H. Division of Parks and…
New Hampshire's Division of Parks and Recreation is hosting hikers for guided trips around the state on New Year's Day.The free "First Day Hikes" take…
Dozens of bundled-up hikers tromped onto the snowy trails of five New Hampshire State Parks Monday, marking the frigid start of 2018 with the parks’…
The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation is hosting free, guided hikes on New Year’s Day as part of a national event called First Day Hikes.The…
Of all the public parks and beaches on New Hampshire’s seacoast, Odiorne Point State Park in Rye may have the most complicated history. For our month-long…
The state is offering free admission into any of its 29 day-use parks Thursday.The state Division of Parks and Recreation is waiving admission to the…