The Department of Education says it has relied on computer-assisted scoring to grade statewide writing assessments for at least the last five years.
National student test scores released today show New Hampshire 4th graders declining in reading and math scores since 2015.The new scores in reading and…
New Hampshire students will be introduced to new standardized tests this spring.In recent years, New Hampshire has worked with a consortium of other…
Before the new school year, we hear from several teachers from across the state, who work in different grade levels, about their hopes, concerns and goals…
New Hampshire is getting the green light to continue a pilot program aimed at reducing standardized testing in schools.The U.S. Department of Education on…
It's a growing group nationally: parents who refuse to let their children take statewide assessments such as those aligned with Common Core. Now, New…
Tomorrow, eleventh graders in New Hampshire’s public schools will take the SAT as a statewide assessment for the first time.Last year the Executive…
New Hampshire Replaces Standardized Test With SAT For 11th-GradersNew Hampshire education officials have received permission to replace the 11th grade statewide assessment test with the College Board's SAT exam next…
New Hampshire’s scores on the latest federally mandated standardized test – the Smarter Balanced – were released Thursday.The headline: Fewer than half of…
When the Department of Education released its latest round of state-level reading and math scores this week, it was cause for cheer in New Hampshire. The…