The tenants of a 14-unit building in Newmarket organized after a new landlord more than doubled the rents for some units.
Along with allowing nano-brewers to ship their products directly to residents, SB 125 also permits brewers to operate a retail outlet to sell products to consumers. Craft brewing has grown into a $500 million industry in the state, employing over 4,700 workers.
A continuación, encuentra las noticias del lunes 4 de enero. Puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio o leerlas.Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro guión…
More school districts are announcing positive COVID-19 cases, prompting a handful of schools and over a thousand students to go to remote learning plans…
New Hampshire’s coastal towns are beginning to think about adapting to climate change. It’ll mean finding new ways to protect critical pieces of…
About twenty years ago, New Hampshire adopted a new option, known as SB2, for local government involving a two-part process: a deliberative session and…
Online tools like Zillow’s ‘Zestimate’ can help potential buyers estimate a fair price for a house. Kelley Blue Book does the same thing for buying a used…
Nori and Sarah Kozuma opened up the Horseshoe Cafe on Newmarket’s main drag last year.The Bay Area-transplants, married and heavily tattooed, divide the…
Lower than average rainfall is prompting officials in Newmarket to limit water use for the first time in a decade.Residents and businesses who use the…
The Lamprey Health Care center in Newmarket is getting a $242,000 grant through the Affordable Care Act to create or expand its mental health and…