Rep. David Cote, who has chronic health conditions, was never sworn in this session. His lawsuit against the Republican majority seeking remote voting has languished in the courts.
NH state Rep. Benjamin Bartlett, a Republican, made few votes at the State House this year due to illness.
The bipartisan task force will produce recommendations for reform, but its chairman stresses it is not a venue for relitigating cases.
In Smith, the Legislature has a nonpartisan administrator with passion for rules and order.
Republicans hold 200 seats going into the upcoming session and Democrats 199, with one seat undecided.
Rep. Jason Osborne's company fired the last of his 20 New Hampshire-based employees on March 2 without notice.
In a statement responding to the court's ruling, Gov. Chris Sununu said "access to these services will continue to remain safe, accessible, and legal in New Hampshire."
The measure, which has already cleared the legislature, awaits further action from Gov. Chris Sununu.
The workforce housing package favored by Gov. Chris Sununu and affordable housing advocates is all but defeated.
LGBTQ+ rights groups, teachers unions and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office have raised concerns that the law could require schools to “out” trans students to their parents.