Bob Sanders - NH Business Review
Unlike mandatory universal programs in other states — usually funded via a payroll surcharge on all workers — New Hampshire’s program is completely voluntary and subsidized by taxpayers.
The suit alleges that the social media company's new management refuses to pay a bill incurred under previous ownership.
The Market Basket workers claims he was bypassed for promotion in favor of younger workers.
Candidatos para gobernador, cámara y senado nacional contestan preguntas sobre temas como impuestos, energía, inflación y vivienda asequible.
A quality insurance auditor at the United Parcel Service facility in Londonderry says she was repeatedly sexually harassed by seven co-workers, and was fired for reporting it to authorities, according to a case that was moved to federal court last week.
The New Hampshire economic unemployment rate last month was down to 2% — a record low.
Rep. Jason Osborne's company fired the last of his 20 New Hampshire-based employees on March 2 without notice.
Bankruptcies have plummeted since the pandemic to all-time lows. But since 2018, there were more than 5,200 such cases filed in the Granite State.