The Strafford County House of Corrections imposed the mail ban years ago in an effort to combat contraband
The state currently has at least two active outbreaks in jails. In most facilities, estimated vaccination rates among people incarcerated there are far below what health officials recommend.
Did you know that people who are incarcerated pre-trial, or serving time for a misdemeanor, have a right to vote by absentee ballot in New Hampshire?Not…
When you visit the State House in Concord, you might notice some well-dressed people sporting bright orange name tags: lobbyists. What do lobbyists do and…
This is the second episode of “The Rules Are Different Here,” a four-part series on mass incarceration in New Hampshire. Listen to the first installment,…
Help us decide what story to explore next in our "Only in New Hampshire" series. We're looking for your questions about prisons in New Hampshire.…
Like many a millennial hired at the dawn of the era of social media, Zachary Byam found himself in charge of creating a Facebook page at his college job.…
When cops go online, sometimes they make jokes. Read the print version of this story.Plus, the history behind the comic book hero who became a symbol of…
Authorities say five jail inmates apparently suffered overdoses at the Strafford County Jail and three of them have been hospitalized in serious…
If you have a loved one behind bars, there are more ways than ever to stay connected: letters, phone calls, and just in the past couple of years, a new…