Members of a separatist movement testified in Concord to support a proposed constitutional amendment to make New Hampshire secede from the United States.
On its face, the Free State Project is pretty simple. It’s a political experiment, an organization that aimed to assemble a group of 20,000 Libertarians,…
They volunteer at food pantries and sled-dog races. They exhibit negative and disruptive behavior.Those are the competing impressions among some Granite…
Recently, this movement announced success in its plan to encourage twenty-thousand libertarian-minded people from around the country to move to New…
A four-day convention of libertarian activists is getting underway in New Hampshire, highlighted by a video link discussion with former National Security…
The state’s highest court will rule Tuesday on whether the so-called “Robin Hooders” of Keene, who go around feeding expired parking meters, are protected…
The Grafton County Superior Court has ruled against a last-ditch effort by supporters of the Free State Project to alter a ballot the day before an…
This weekend in Manchester, New Hampshire’s own ‘Free State Project’ will hold its yearly convention. We sit down with Liberty Forum speaker David Boaz of…
Grafton, N. H., is so tiny, it doesn't even have a stop light, but a group of Libertarians have moved there with an eye to slashing spending. It's made some residents angry.