Elm Brook Park in Central New Hampshire looked like a scene from a dystopian novel this week, with picnic tables and a playground partially submerged by floodwaters. The high water levels due to heavy rain have closed both Elm Brook Park in Hopkinton and Clough State Park in Weare.
Rivers, brooks and streams swelled throughout the Monadnock Region as heavy rains caused flooding and washed out roads.
The Seacoast will get multiple king tides that top 10 feet in the next few days, and residents can take photos and videos of the tides' effects for an…
A continuación, encuentra las noticias del lunes 28 de septiembre. Puedes escucharlas haciendo click en el audio o leerlas.Una nota: Lo escrito es nuestro…
Part of New Hampshire has entered an extreme drought for only the second time in 20 years.The extreme conditions center on the Dover area and extend in a…
New Hampshire’s drought is not expected to improve any time soon, and officials say it’s continuing to create prime conditions for possible…
New Hampshire’s ongoing drought has worsened again, with severe dryness now spreading into Grafton County and escalating impacts to surface water and…
A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists says hundreds of coastal Superfund sites – including several in New Hampshire – face new risks of…
To kick off NHPR's new reporting project By Degrees, we're unpacking the basics of how climate change is already affecting life in New Hampshire, and how…
A major new study says federal flood maps have far underestimated how many properties in New Hampshire and nationwide are at risk from substantial…