Jackie Harris
- For road closure information, visit newengland511.org.
- Find power outage and weather information at www.nhpr.org/weather
- Sign up for emergency alerts through NH Alerts
- The latest forecasts and water levels for specific rivers are provided by the National Water Prediction Service.
- Find flood safety information at https://www.readynh.gov/disasters/floods.htm
- For tips on navigating flood damage and flood insurance read more here
- For mental health support, call 9-8-8.
El Servicio Nacional del Clima dice que se esperan fuertes lluvias y temperaturas cálidas.
How disasters offer a glimpse into another way to live with each other.
The Meadow Pond neighborhood in Hampton routinely has floodwater covering its roads. A new project is hoping to drain it out.
Debra Altschiller and Pat Abrami, two long-serving candidates from Stratham, disagree on many issues, including how to handle the threats of climate change. The district they serve is already seeing its impacts.
How we turned one of our country’s biggest rivers into a machine — and what happens when that machine starts to break down.
Extreme weather is becoming more of a risk with climate change. State insurance officials say they want to meet people where they are to help.
Many areas are still recovering from July’s heavy rains. Officials also share safety tips for residents and tourists alike.
Funcionarios piden precaución por inundaciones repentinas. Programa en NH busca hacer hogares más eficientes con su energía. Nueva ley de NH quiere mejorar proceso de autorizaciones previas de los seguros médicos.
There are still roads to fix. But the town finished a project that restores a brook on a main thoroughfare to its original path, protecting a church and a community center.
Like the rest of New England, Vermont has mostly older, small dams built to power textile mills, store water or supply irrigation to farms. The concern is they have outlived their usefulness and climate change could bring storms they were never built to withstand.